Darlene Rose is Certified as Addiction Recovery Coach through the Academy for Addiction Recovery and Mental Health. She brings with her two diplomas from The American College of Healthcare Sciences in Holistic Health and Master Herbalism, as well as Certification in Basic Nutrition from The American Fitness Professional Association and is a student at Trinity School of Natural Healing with a goal of Naturopathic Practitioner.
Her focus is on recovery from food addictions such as sugar, caffeine, and gluten, as well as freedom from tobacco addiction, and digestive wellness.
Through her own wellness struggles, she has learned how to get well and stay well and brings a wealth of information to her clients to help each one on their own personal journey to get healthier.
She is the author of Endocrine Disrupted, Exposing the Dangers in Consumer Products that are Making You Sick (Available on Amazon).

She does not believe in one size fits all and her passion is to educate and help clients navigate the maze of supplements and diets that are promoted, helping clients find what is right for each one.

She does not believe in one size fits all and her passion is to educate and help clients navigate the maze of supplements and diets that are promoted, helping clients find what is right for each one.